Public Relations

The Capital Of Puerto Rico: San Juan

Located in the northeastern coast of Puerto Rico, San Juan stands out as the most populous city and the capital of the U.S. territory. Founded by Spanish colonialists led by Juan Ponce de Leon in 1521, the “Rich Port City” is not just the political hub but also a significant cultural, financial, and tourist center. From its remarkable history to Spanish colonial architecture, vibrant culture, and breath-taking beaches, San Juan is a city to behold. This article delves into the heart of San Juan, exploring its history, culture, economy, and its overseas linkage with Sydney, Australia. Plans are underway to promote San Juan’s unique charisma to a broader global audience through the strategic auspices of Sydney public relations firms.

San Juan: A Rich History

The city’s name comes from Saint John the Baptist, highlighting the influence of the Catholic Church in its establishment by the Spanish colonialists. It started as a small settlement and has grown over centuries to become a heavily fortified city. The city’s walls, forts, and iconic San Felipe del Morro and Castillo de San Cristobal bear testament to San Juan’s defensive prowess over centuries, which UNESCO recognized as a World Heritage site.

San Juan’s Culture and Lifestyle

San Juan’s vibrant culture reflects a mix of its indigenous, African, and Spanish influences. From its music, dance (salsa and bomba y plena), festivals, to a unique blend of Taino, Spanish, African, and American cuisine, the city stands out. Its lively art scene, epitomized in places such as the Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Puerto Rico, and the legendary Santurce, adds to the city’s allure. A visit to San Juan is incomplete without experiencing its nightlife, full of music, dancing, and mouth-watering meals.

San Juan’s Economy

The city boasts one of the most important seaports in the Caribbean, making it a significant economic hub. Its economy relies heavily on services, including finance, international trade, and tourism. San Juan’s beaches attract millions of tourists every year. The industrial sector including manufacture of textiles, petroleum products, chemicals, beverages, and tobacco also contribute greatly to the city’s economy.

San Juan and Sydney public relations

Despite being geographically distant, a strategic partnership between San Juan and the city of Sydney, Australia, aims to bolster San Juan’s global appeal. San Juan is leveraging public relations capacity from Sydney to propel its international identity. The Sydney public relations sector renowned for its expertise in international relations, global marketing, advertisement, and crisis management is a valuable ally for San Juan to enhance its global standing.

The collaboration with Sydney public relations firms is expected to attract increased tourism, international business, and cross-cultural exchanges. The expected upsurge in visitors from Australia will not only spur economic growth but also foster mutual cultural understanding. San Juan’s vibrant culture, historical sites, local cuisine, and sunny beaches are set to be under the global spotlight thanks to this strategic collaboration.

In conclusion, San Juan, the capital of Puerto Rico, stands out with its rich history, vibrant culture, thriving economy, and warm sunshine. As the city develops its global relations, specifically benefiting from the resources provided by Sydney public relations, it is set to shine brighter on the global map, attracting more visitors and fostering its economic growth. Indeed, San Juan is not just a city but a destination with a personality to be discovered, enjoyed, and appreciated.

Public Relations

Attention Pr Shoppers!

Submitted by: Robert A. Kelly

As a business, non-profit or association manager, whatdo you want?

Publicity that delivers newspaper and talk show mentions,or behavior change among your key outside audiencesthat leads directly to achieving your managerial objectives?

Special events that attract a lot of people, or public relationsthat persuades your most important outside audiences toyour way of thinking, then moves them to take actions thathelp your department, division or subsidiary succeed?

Zippy brochures and videos, or a way for you to dosomething positive about the behaviors of those externalaudiences of yours that MOST affect your organization?

As a manager, what I believe you need to know about PRare two realities:

1) The right PR really CAN alter individual perception andlead to changed behaviors that help you succeed, and 2),your public relations effort must involve more than specialevents, brochures and news releases if you really want toget your money s worth,

The underlying truth about PR goes this way: people acton their own perception of the facts before them, which leadsto predictable behaviors about which something can be done.When we create, change or reinforce that opinion by reaching,persuading and moving-to-desired-action the very peoplewhose behaviors affect the organization the most, the publicrelations mission is accomplished.

And it can generate results like; prospects starting to workwith you; customers making repeat purchases; strongerrelationships with the educational, labor, financial andhealthcare communities; improved relations withgovernment agencies and legislative bodies, and evencapital givers or specifying sources looking your way

Once the program gets rolling, you also should see resultssuch as new proposals for strategic alliances and joint ventures;rebounds in showroom visits; membership applications on the rise;community service and sponsorship opportunities; enhancedactivist group relations, and expanded feedback channels,not to mention new thoughtleader and special event contacts.

That s a lot of results from even a high-impact blueprint.

It almost goes without saying that your PR crew agencyor staff must be committed to you, as the senior projectmanager, to the PR blueprint and its implementation,starting with target audience perception monitoring.

Is it crucially important that your most important outsideaudiences really perceive your operations, products orservices in a positive light? Of course, so assure yourselfthat your PR staff has bought into the whole effort. Beespecially careful that they accept the reality that perceptionsalmost always lead to behaviors that can help or hurt yourunit.

Sit down with your PR team and review the PR blueprintin detail, especially the plan for monitoring and gatheringperceptions by questioning members of your mostimportant outside audiences. Questions like these: howmuch do you know about our organization? How muchdo you know about our services or products andemployees? Have you had prior contact with us andwere you pleased with the interchange? Have youexperienced problems with our people or procedures?

Professional survey people obviously can handle theperception monitoring phases of your program, IF thebudget is available. But always remember that your PRpeople are also in the perception and behaviorbusiness and can pursue the same objective: identifyuntruths, false assumptions, unfounded rumors,inaccuracies, misconceptions and any other negativeperception that might translate into hurtful behaviors.

What about your public relations goal? You need a goalstatement that speaks to the aberrations that showed upduring your key audience perception monitoring. Andit could call for straightening out that dangerousmisconception, or correcting that gross inaccuracy, ordoing something about that damaging rumor.

When you set a goal, you need a strategy that shows youhow to get there. You have three strategic choices whenit comes to handling a perception or opinion challenge:create perception where there may be none, change theperception, or reinforce it. A bad strategy pick will tastelike marinara sauce on your brownies, so be certain thenew strategy fits well with your new public relations goal.For example, you don t want to select change when thefacts dictate a reinforce strategy.

Because persuading an audience to your way of thinkingis awfully hard work, your PR team must come up withjust the right, corrective language. Words that arecompelling, persuasive and believable AND clear andfactual. You must do this if you are to correct a perceptionby shifting opinion towards your point of view, leading tothe desired behaviors.

Sit down again with your communications specialists andreview your message for impact and persuasiveness. Then,select the communications tactics most likely to carry yourwords to the attention of your target audience. You can pickfrom dozens that are available. From speeches, facility tours,emails and brochures to consumer briefings, media interviews,newsletters, personal meetings and many others. But be surethat the tactics you pick are known to reach folks just likeyour audience members.

You ve heard the old bromide about the credibility of amessage depending on its delivery method. On the chanceit s true, you might think about introducing it to smallergatherings rather than using higher-profile tactics suchas news releases or talk show appearances.

The need to produce a progress report will sound thealert for you and your PR folks to return to the field for asecond perception monitoring session with members ofyour external audience. Using many of the same questionsused in the first benchmark session, you ll now be watchingvery carefully for signs that the bad news perception isbeing altered in your direction.

If impatience enters the fray, you can always accelerate thingswith more communications tactics and increased frequencies.

Finally, like a military unit, your public relations effort canuse an action-oriented motto: the right PR really CAN alterindividual perception and lead directly to changed behaviorsthat help you succeed.

About the Author: Bob Kelly counsels, writes and speaks to business, non-profit and association managers about using the fundamental premise of public relations to achieve their operating objectives. He has been DPR, Pepsi-Cola Co.; AGM-PR, Texaco Inc.; VP-PR, Olin Corp.; VP-PR, Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co.; director of communi-cations, U.S. Department of the Interior, and deputy assistant press secretary, The White House. He holds a bachelor of science degree from Columbia University, major in public relations. Visit:


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Public Relations

The Magnificent Seven A Review Of Workforce Management In 2017 By Teleopti}

The Magnificent Seven – A review of Workforce Management in 2017 by Teleopti



London, UK, December 21, 2017 – Things are looking up for WFM in contact centers if the bold statement by DMG Consulting is anything to go by.[i] President Donna Fluss says that “after more than 20 years of little innovation, the WFM vendors are waking up, and there are significant changes in this sector. Companies are taking notice of the enhancements and will invest if the new generation of WFM solutions lives up to the vendors’ claims.” DMG also expected the WFM market to grow by 8% in 2017 and 2018 and by 9% in 2019, 2020 and 2021, adding that the rate of growth could increase if the pace of innovation picks up.

Teleopti’s own take on what’s happening in the industry is equally as upbeat with technologies such as self-service, Webchat and Chatbots making giant strides. To help put everything in perspective, here is a review of our 2017 blogs covering the seven hottest topics of the year.

The magnificent seven

Changing priorities – making life easier for customers – today’s customers are not prepared to wait. Studies reveal that 45% of consumers are likely to abandon an online transaction if their questions or concerns are not addressed quickly.[ii] Winning contact centers are those that deliver quick fixes, instant results and exceptional customer satisfaction.

Mapping the customer and agent journey in parallel – the world of customer service has massively evolved in the last two decades. Gone are the days where a toll-free number was the only option for communicating with a company’s customer-service representatives. To create an exceptional customer experience, organizations must provide optimal service across all touchpoints by constantly evolving the way they manage their agents.

Giving employees a voice – According to industry analysts Gartner,[iii] “The impact a motivated and engaged employee can have, not just on operational performance but also on the customer experience, should not be underestimated.” Organizations need to transition from simply optimizing their contact center staff to truly motivating and engaging them. It’s time to take Workforce Engagement Management (WEM) seriously.


Homeworking – there’s firm proof that a work from anywhere’ environment supported by WFM benefits customers, employees and the business. For example, organizations that use split or micro-shifts are likely to reduce labor costs by 15%-20%[iv] and companies that offer flexible working[v] are rewarded with a staggering improved employee retention rate of 30%.

Agent preferences vs. shift bidding – resource planners are under constant pressure to achieve the best balance between what agents want to work and the forecasted needs of their contact center. Traditionally, they relied on shift bidding – releasing the schedule of shifts on offer and asking agents to bid for the shifts they wanted[vi] – often time-consuming, inflexible and stressful for agents. Thanks to automation, the latest WFM functionality allows agents to enter their own preferences for shifts and days off, making it empowering for agents and time-saving for contact center leaders.

Time-off-without-pay (TOWP) – with so much talk about flexible working and the reality of squeezed budgets, it would be hard to ignore the often contentious areas of zero and reduced hours in contact centers. Learn to understand the psychology of work and then use WFM technology strategically to better control staff costs and provide a guaranteed, steady income for agents.

Customer experience in the next 5 years – global analyst firm Forrester[vii] claims that 72% of businesses name improving customer experience as their top priority. To win, contact center leaders should start by embracing the new service culture, creating a truly omnichannel environment, introducing self-service, automating routine tasks and humanizing the workplace to deliver best practices.

Are you ready for the challenges and opportunities waiting for you in 2018? Take time to study the past to create a successful future -view Teleopti’s complete series of blogs and white papers that cover the industry’s hottest topics by visiting



[iii] Magic Quadrant for Workforce Engagement Management, published 19th January 2017, ID: G00297271, analysts Jim Davies, Drew Kraus




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Public Relations

Most Efficient Way To Handle Your Utilities Public Relations Strategy}

Submitted by: Kevin Waddel

Lets face it, the world runs on oil, gas, electricity, water and being interconnected. Universally this is true. And to whom do we trust to deliver our email, or to provide the electricity to power our homes? The answer would be utility companies. Every day and night they work around the clock to meet the demands of businesses, households and governments. So to whom do these essential firms turn to when they need a utilities public relations campaign?

The answer to that one would be public relations firms. While it may be possible for a your utility firm to mange one with great success, chances are you wont have the resources to run one. And even if you do, would that really be the most efficient way to handle your utilities public relations strategy?

Probably not. This does not mean your firm is not extremely well equipped to handle the challenges of running a public relations campaign, but rather that your efforts would yield a much higher return if you partnered with a firm whos expertise lies in handling utilities public relations.


As a utility firm, you are very busy dealing with demand issues and regulations. However, worrying about whether your image among customers, the public and investors is up to your standard is something you should not be doing. The only time you and your firm ought to be concerned is in the event of an accident. And even then you ought not to be to anxious as hiring a utilities public relations firm will eliminate many of the hassles which prevent your firm from moving forward and languishing in the past.

The reason for this is that when you partner with one, they will develop a comprehensive plan. This means considering the what-ifs. As a result, they will have plans ready to go in the event of a mishap or disaster. In addition, a good utilities public relations firm will work around the clock adapting your strategy to account for the changes.

But what exactly entails a utilities public relations campaign? Essentially, it is an amalgamation of well-worded messages. These messages can be anything from a picture and a few words to an entire pamphlet or article. As for the subjects, they can range from simple overviews to a detailed accounts of your new environmentally friendly initiative.

However, it is not just what your talk about and how you do it. Where and in what format you present this information and message can be crucial to the success of your utilities public relations campaign. Posting on a blog, making appropriate videos, running a forum and having a facebook are all as useful as say sending lettes to investors and brochures to consumers. The reason is all these methods work in tandem with each other. In a word they synergize.

While there are many utilities public relations campaign firms out here, if you need to get your message out both loud and clear, using a firm like Makovsky + Company is sure way to get it done. For over 30 years this has been the case, so partnering with them is not a leap into the unknown.

Makovsky + Company is a top public relations firm that specializes in utilities public relations. We have been in business since 1979. For more information please visit us at and for more specific information on utilities public relations public relations please visit us @

For more information visit to

About the Author: Kevin Waddel is a free lance writer. To get more information about Public relations, Public Relations New York, utilities public relations and Health Public Relations visit


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Public Relations

Why Public Relations Companies Play A Large Role In The Work Of Governments}

Why public relations companies play a large role in the work of governments


Ben FoxWould you be surprised to know that governments were the first to use public relations companies? Well, ever since governments have been running, they have in some way, used public relations in order to maintain a positive and good relationship with the public. Government and parliamentary affairs is a large matter and one that forms a major part of industry sectors. It is not only just national governments, but local governments, political parties and individual politicians that depend on the work of government public relations in order to ensure their representation within the media and also within parliament is kept positive.

Government consulting firms have been around much longer than consulting firms used by businesses. In the world of politics, representation is everything and can make the difference between a politician or party becoming elected and not. A close-knit relation with key media influencers also plays a large part and it is the work of the consulting firm to ensure their client is only written about in a positive way.


Government lobbying also plays a large part in the world of government public relations. It is often described that the work of the two different parties is extremely similar, and to an extent, it is. They both work to ensure their clients are able to operate easily and efficiently within their industry. Government lobbyists work to ensure that their politician or their party is voted into power. To do this, a government lobbyist often puts in place the following tactics:

Building relationships with other key politicians – government lobbying is all about ensuring that relationships are nurtured and can be called upon when followers are needed.

Forming close relationships with the media – this is where the line between government lobbying and public relations is often classed as being very similar. The media coverage needs to be just right in order to ensure success. Focusing on public support – often lobbyists try to rally the public support over specific issues in order to gain a momentum. This can prove extremely beneficial and public support can really sway the decisions or the opinions of key influencers.

The roles of government public relations are not too dissimilar to that of a government lobbyist. However, their work is specifically more focused on the representation of the individual, government or party within the media. Ensuring press releases are circulated and covered, social media is regularly monitored, there is sufficient coverage of their client in the media and that ultimately any negative coverage is diminished.

So there you have it, the reasons why public relations play such an important role for governments, individuals and political parties, not only in the UK, but anywhere around the world. The positive representation within the public eye can make the difference between the government, individual or political party gaining success and power, or loosing out. Therefore, the world of government public relations is an extremely important one.

Whitehouse Consultancy reviews about public relations companies and says that for any kind of services like Public Affairs, Political Consultancy, PR or Media Relations Will be your Right Choice.

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Public Relations

Effective Marketing Strategies Tips On How To Take Your Product To The Market

By Annabelle Lehoux

So you’ve started your own business or created an innovative product that you would like to share. You suddenly find yourself wondering what’s next? This is where marketing your product comes in. Marketing, an effective marketing at that, is an essential tool in promoting and expanding your business. Its essence lies on your understanding of your prospective and present customers’ needs and establishing a plan to meet those needs. Careful planning and research will definitely help you to efficiently market your product. Here are some useful strategies and tips on how to market your product to the market.

–Develop your Own Sales Plan

Spend time to establish a strategic plan on how to sell your product. The first thing you need to have in mind is your target market. When selling something for the first time, you need to focus on a distinct niche so you can effectively carry out your plan. Will you start selling a particular product to women alone, men alone or children perhaps? By narrowing your market, you get to learn your prospective buyers’ needs and make it your focal point in selling your product. The more specific you are about your target market, the more you will be able to achieve your business goal.


–Establish Customer Trust and Confidence

Show your buyers that your business and your products can be trusted. You can offer written guarantees of satisfactions or warranties. You can also join established organizations which are focused on business-oriented activities so your customers will see that you are a trust-worthy company. If you are marketing your products online, create a customer testimonial or blog page so that other buyers will see the benefits of doing business with your company. You should be able to project an image of expertise, quality, reliability and exceptional customer service. Show your customers why they should keep doing business with you. Meet deadlines and provide solutions for your customers’ possible predicaments regarding your products.

–Use Pricing as an Effective Marketing Strategy

Price your products and services competitively by doing constant research regarding your competitors’ pricing strategies. If possible, add discounts or coupons to your own strategy. For example, when you sell self defense products online such as a stun gun, create lifetime warranties for them. Sell them at discounted prices without compromising their good quality and let your buyers know that. Free shipping is also an effective way of boosting your sales. However, don’t go overboard with selling your product at low prices too often. Your customers will eventually anticipate for discounted offers that you’ll be forced to undermine your whole pricing strategy.

When marketing your product, you need to be creative and patient at the same time. Do it one step at a time. It takes careful preparation and research to be able to effectively carry out you business plan. Map out your strategies carefully so you’ll know who your target market will be and how you can possibly meet up their expectations. By doing this, you will be able to expand your business and reach your target goals in no time.

About the Author: Annabelle Lehoux is Judo instructor and the co-founder of Self Defense Products Depot which offers large variety of gadgets such as

steel baton

, dummy camera, metal detector and

dog spray

for your personal and home security. To learn more on how these products can help your situation, please visit


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