
This is the category for frogs.

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  • 26 March 2020: Florida frog skull survey shows spikes, say scientists
  • 17 December 2018: Fire breaks out at Chester Zoo, England
  • 29 March 2013: Wikinews interviews American zoologists about pirate perches’ chemical camouflage
  • 29 August 2010: Japanese researchers create smell sensor using genetically engineered frog eggs
  • 16 June 2009: Study says nearly every species of animal engages in homosexual behavior
  • 23 April 2009: Earth Day 2009 celebrated around the globe
  • 8 October 2008: Frog-killing fungus spreads across Panama Canal towards South America
  • 27 September 2008: Australian frog is rediscovered after 17 years
  • 30 August 2007: New species of dart frog discovered in Colombia
  • 17 January 2007: Largest mass extinction in 65 million years underway, scientists say

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Pages in category “Frogs”

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Australian refugee contractor accused of breaching its duty of care

Friday, December 30, 2005

The Australian Centre for Languages, a company which has a multi-million dollar contract with the Australian government to provide refugee services, has been accused of breaching its duty of care following the death of a chronically ill child and allegations of failing to provide three women in their care with food.

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Consolidate Private Student Loans With Fixed Interest Rate How To Guide

By Larry Donaldson

If you took out multiple private student loans while in college, you are probably now swimming in a sea of paperwork each month. Having more than one student loan often means having to make payments to different lenders at different times of each month.

Another common challenge is that some your private loans may have variable interest rates, while others have fixed rates. And, it is highly likely that your loans are at different interest rates altogether.

Besides the complexity of having multiple private student loans to deal with, most grads also have trouble making the payments. Having to be responsible for multiple student loan payments is not something that many college students give much thought to during school. But, once graduation is over, reality sets in. And, the payments can easily run into the hundreds of dollars or more each month.

When Private Student Loan Consolidation Makes Sense

For graduates who have taken out multiple student loans and are now having trouble making their loan payments each month, private student loan consolidation can help.

Simply put, consolidation is the act of paying off all of one’s outstanding loans in full with the money received with from new, consolidation loan.


How Can Consolidation Help?

Consolidation loans can be helpful in many ways. First, they simply your life by making you responsible for just a single payment each month.

Next, they can actually lower your payments in one or both of two ways:

a. By lowering your rate

b. By stretching out your payments over more time, say from 10 years to 20 or 30 years.

Finally, consolidation loans can be negotiated at a fixed rate, which means you can lock in your new low rate over the life of the loan.

How To Consolidate Private Student Loans With A Fixed Interest Rate

If you are wondering how to get the best deal on a fixed interest rate private consolidation loan, here are some tips that can help:

1.Calculate your current interest rate: In order to determine whether any would-be offer you get is worth going for, you are going to want to start by figuring out the weighted average of your existing loans’ rates. For example, if you currently have three loans at 5%, 3% and 2.5% interest rates, you would calculated the weighted average interest rate as follows.

First, figure out what percentage of your total outstanding balance is represented by each loan. Let’s say that the answer is 20%, 30% and 50%, respectively. Just multiply these percentages by the interest rate for each loan and add them together, as follows:

(20% x 5%) + (30% x 3%) + (50% + 2.5%) = weighted average interest rate

2. Figure out your ideal repayment period: Use an online loan calculator and plug in your current outstanding balance (total across all loans) and your desired new interest rate. Then, plug in different repayment periods like 20 years, 25 years and 30 years. See how each one affects both the monthly payment amounts and the cost of your loan.

3. Build a list of at least 5 private consolidation lenders: Now, it’s time to do your research. Make a list of at least 5 lenders. Don’t skip this step – remember, more offers is always better than fewer!

4. Contact and apply with all 5 lenders: Now, take the time to contact and actually apply for a consolidation loan with each lender. hint: be sure to apply for the same repayment period so that you can compare the offers equally.

5. Compare offers: Compare each offer you get separately, and be sure to read the fine print. The most important piece of information to look at is the interest rate of each offer.

Follow these tips to get the best-possible deal on a fixed interest rate loan.

About the Author: Find more info and helpful tips on private student loan consolidation at:

Best Private Student Loan Consolidation



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Iran unveils part of its nuclear program

Friday, August 31, 2007

On August 27, Iran published public information report about its nuclear program, thus unveiling a part of outstanding issues still in discussion with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). In this document, Tehran provide clarifications about plutonium experiments and shows signs of cooperation in clearing up questions about its efforts to acquire nuclear technology. The IAEA issued a new report on August 30, and distributed copies of its report ahead of a September 10 meeting of the organization’s 35-member board.

This report also reflects findings about a work plan concluded on August 21. The United Nations nuclear watchdog report praised Iran for agreeing to a new work plan and planning to resolve numerous questions about its nuclear program.

Mohamed ElBaradei, the IAEA director general, said in reaction to these reports: “This is the first time Iran is ready to discuss all the outstanding issues which triggered the crisis in confidence. It’s a significant step.”

The assessment of Iran nuclear cooperation could make it more difficult for the United States and its allies to win tougher U.N. sanctions against Iran.

In Iran, the Deputy Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) for International Affairs, Mohammad Saeedi, said that the IAEA report « put an end to all US baseless allegations on Iran’s separation activities and reprocessing plutonium.»

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Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with NDP candidate Rick Morelli, Vaughan

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Rick Morelli is running for the NDP in the Ontario provincial election, in the Vaughan riding. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign.

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

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BC man is selling the boat from old TV series Gilligan’s Island

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A man named George Schultz in Parksville, British Columbia is selling the boat from old TV series Gilligan’s Island at the cost of $99,000. The cruiser, originally cost about $290,000 in the 1960s.

“There have been a couple of modifications, so it doesn’t look exactly like the original,” said Shultz, a boat broker who’s selling the 36-foot Wheeler Express Cruiser for fellow Parksdale resident Scotty Taylor. “But it’s still the original boat.”

Originally, the boat’s name was The Blue Jacket.

“Just for the show, for a stage name, it was called the S.S. Minnow,” Shultz said. The name was a reference to Newton Minnow, once chairman of the FCC.

“He just liked the boat, he wanted to restore it, it was a nice looking boat, a wooden boat, a classic and he likes classic boats,” said Shultz. “The hole in the hull was actually the least of the repairs – the interior needed a lot more work”.

Someone later stole the plaque on the boat, but the 46-year-old boat still has the round life preserver with S.S. Minnow emblazoned on it and the skipper’s chair.

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Vacation Rentals In Huddleston Va: Vacation Rentals Tips

byAlma Abell

After working and stressing for the better part of the year, nothing would be more relaxing than going for a vacation. If you have a family with kids, renting a vacation house will be better compared to renting a hotel room. Hotel rooms not only have limited space but they are also more expensive compared to vacation houses. A vacation home will feel more like a home. Vacation Rentals in Huddleston VA tips you on how you can get a good rental home.


You might have decided to go for a vacation outside your country or continent. In this case, you should take time in choosing the best one for you. Find out through others who might have gone to that particular place and inquire about the rentals they might have used. If nobody has the information you need, you can find out more information online about the vacation house you desire. Taking your time ensures that you make the correct choice and you do not end up in a place that will ruin your vacation. It also saves you the extra cost you would go through if you paid for a substandard place and had to upgrade.

Sign papers before you pay

Paying for your vacation home before reading the paperwork can have serious consequences. Before paying them, ensure that you have read and understood the agreement. Where you are not satisfied, ask them questions till you see the logic in all that is stated on the agreement. You should know what would happen if you pay and your vacation is canceled or you leave before it ends.

Huddleston Vacation Rentals, ensures that you enjoy your vacation to the maximum. Your home away from home stay will be a vacation to remember for years to come. For more information, visit the website

Know the details

Make sure you know all that is included in the money you pay. Some Advertise low prices just to attract customers but once you are in, you notice that the price was not inclusive many things. Therefore make sure you ask them if what they are charging is inclusive electricity bills, water bills or any other thing. Ask them about any hidden charges that might not have been included in the agreement.

Visit RSI Rentals Inc for more details.

Wikinews Shorts: June 4, 2007

A compilation of brief news reports for Monday, June 4, 2007.

MediaCorp Radio in Singapore has been fined 15,000 Singaporean dollars (US$9,800) over an on-air stunt in March in which female guests on a radio show were asked to remove their brassieres, and pose for video that was to be posted on the station’s website and on YouTube.

The Media Development Authority said the radio show’s hosts made improper and sexually suggestive remarks about “how fast the bras were removed, as well as the color, design and cup size of the bras, and the size of the girls’ breasts.”


  • AP. “Fine for Singapore radio bra stunt” — CNN, June 4, 2007
  • Sapa-AFP. “Station fined for bra contest” — Independent Online (South Africa), June 4, 2007

Researchers at University of Malaya say they have developed an erectile dysfunction cure from walnut extract.

“It takes about an hour for the effects to set in and it will last for about four hours,” said Professor Dr. Kim Kah Hwi of the Faculty of Medicine Physiology.

So far, 40 volunteers have tried the Viagra alternative, called “N-Hanz”, with positive results, Kim said. To make one pill, it takes about 3.3 kilograms (about 7 pounds) of walnuts.


  • Royce Cheah. “Researchers produce Viagra alternative from walnuts” — The Star (Malaysia), June 3, 2007
  • “Walnut pills rival Viagra” — Herald Sun, June 4, 2007

An 8-year-old Indonesian boy died after being attacked on Saturday by a Komodo Dragon at Komodo National Park on Komodo.

The boy was attacked while making a toilet stop in a bush, a park official said. “The dragon bit his waist, tossed him and dragged him. His right leg was badly scratched,” park spokesman Heru Rudiharto said. The boy then bled to death.

Attacks by Dragons on humans are rare, though the reptiles, which can grow to a length of 3 meters (9 feet), regularly kill such prey as pigs and small deer. Komodo Dragons are an endangered and protected species, and about 2,000 of them live in the wild, mainly on Komodo and nearby Rinca island.


  • AP. “Indonesian boy killed in Komodo dragon attack” — CNN, June 4, 2007
  • Fred Attewill. “Boy killed in dragon attack” — Guardian Unlimited, June 4, 2007

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Times Square bomb suspects arrested in Pakistan

Saturday, May 22, 2010

At least six suspects, wanted in connection with a failed car bomb attempt in Times Square, New York City on May 1, have been arrested by authorities in Pakistan. The arrests follow a visit to Pakistan by two high-ranking American security officials—US National Security Adviser Gen James Jones and Leon Panetta, director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), both of whom praised Pakistan for its efforts in tracking down suspects in the bomb attack.

Amongst those arrested are the co-owner of a large company which provides catering to several embassies in Pakistan and a major in the Pakistani Army, though the Army released a statement denying any involvment. Some are believed to have been educated in the United States. A notice on the website of the US embassy in Islamabad reported that the catering company co-owned by one of the suspects had links to terrorism and has since advised US citizens against using the firm.

Those arrested are believed to have had links with Faisal Shahzad, the primary suspect in the bombing, who was arrested on May 3 on board an aircraft at New York’s JFK Airport.

One source told Reuters: “We are investigating whether Ashraf has provided any financial support to Faisal because Ashraf and his father are rich people and they run a very big catering business” though another stated that “[t]hey may be innocent because being friends does not mean you are involved in the activities of your friends”.

The suspects are currently being detained by the Pakistani security services, who are known to have close links with the CIA, to the extent of allowing CIA officials access to prisoners.

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Shimon Peres discusses the future of Israel

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

This year Israel turns sixty and it has embarked upon a campaign to celebrate its birthday. Along with technology writers for Slate, PC Magazine, USA Today, BusinessWeek, Aviation Weekly, Wikinews was invited by the America-Israel Friendship League and the Israeli Foreign Ministry to review Israel’s technology sector. It’s part of an effort to ‘re-brand the country’ to show America that there is more to Israel than the Palestinian conflict. On this trip we saw the people who gave us the Pentium processor and Instant Messaging. The schedule was hectic: 12-14 hours a day were spent doing everything from trips to the Weizmann Institute to dinner with Yossi Vardi.

On Thursday, the fifth day of the junket, David Saranga of the foreign ministry was able to arrange an exclusive interview for David Shankbone with the President of Israel, Nobel Peace Prize recipient Shimon Peres. For over an hour they spoke about Iranian politics, whether Israel is in danger of being side-lined in Middle Eastern importance because of Arab oil wealth, and his thoughts against those who say Israeli culture is in a state of decay.

The only crime I committed was to be a little bit ahead of time. And if this is the reason for being controversial, maybe the reason is better than the result.

Shimon Peres spent his early days on kibbutz, a bygone socialist era of Israel. In 1953, at the age of 29, Peres became the youngest ever Director General of the Ministry of Defense. Forty years later it was Peres who secretly gave the green light for dialogue with Yassir Arafat, of the verboten Palestine Liberation Organization. It was still official Israeli policy to not speak with the PLO. Peres shares a Nobel Peace Prize with Yitzak Rabin and Arafat for orchestrating what eventually became the Oslo Accords. The “roadmap” that came out of Oslo remains the official Israeli (and American) policy for peace in the Palestinian conflict. Although the majority of Israeli people supported the plans, land for peace was met with a small but fiery resistance in Israel. For negotiating with Arafat, former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shouted at Peres, “You are worse than Chamberlain!” a reference to Hitler’s British appeaser. It was during this time of heated exchanges in the 1990s that Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by Yigal Amir, a Jew who thought it against Halakhic law to give up land given by God (Hashem).

Peres is the elder statesman of Israeli politics, but he remembers that he has not always been as popular as he is today. “Popularity is like perfume: nice to smell, dangerous to drink,” said Peres. “You don’t drink it.” The search for popularity, he goes on to say, will kill a person who has an idea against the status quo.

Below is David Shankbone’s interview with Shimon Peres, the President of Israel.

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