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Web Rtc Technology &Amp; High Quality Video Chat}

Submitted by: Yuval Moed

What is Web RTC? WebRTC stand for Web Real-Time Communication. It is an API definition drafted by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that supports browser-to-browser applications for voice calling, video chat, and P2P file sharing without the need of either internal or external plugins.

With WebRTC real time communication that includes high quality audio, video and text chat can take place between users by utilizing the browsers. In other words, communications is now possible from within Chrome and Firefox browsers without the need to install any specific plug-ins or downloads that have slowed the rate of adoption of video technologies. WebRTC API can also be used within growing number of mobile based browsers.

With WebRTC which is open-source, businesses can develop high-quality video chat capabilities.. Earlier, only larger corporations could afford to invest the thousands of dollars needed for collaboration architecture. With availability of WebRTC, with relatively low investment, any organization can develop a solution to meet its specific needs. However, you do need to understand the ins and out of it and you may be better off using an experience firm in this field and let them provide you with the solution that could meet your needs best.

For end users WebRTC offers two major advantages:


Simplicity no need for additional applications or plug-ins.

Security WebRTC provides a higher security level than most currently available commercial telephony systems.

Small Businesses Will Reap WebRTC Technology & High Quality Video Chat Benefits

As webRTC is browser based technology, the accesability to high qaulity video does not require broad and often expensive infrastructure. In the past, small businesses refrained from investing in video chat solutions because of the constraint that one propriety standard or client would not work with another. WebRTC is likely to eliminate this constrain.

Generally speaking, all a user needs to have URL they can use to connect to another party to enter a meeting. This does not require the download of a client or a plug-in and no need for a complex sign-in process. Keeping this simplicity is mind, WebRTC-based video chat can easily be adopted with several businesses that like to add video chat functionalities to their sites.

Individual Users To Benefit Too

This no-fuss, in-browser technology will revolutionize not only how businesses communicate, but will also take on a more personal undertone and extend towards individual users as well. Now talking with friends and family becomes much easier with this HTML-based tech. Individual users will not have to install or download third-party plug-ins from services like Skype or Google Hangouts. Because this seamless tech offers video and voice chat capabilities natively in ones browser, individual users dont have to set up an account of any kind. All chats occur on a webpage itself, which the users sets up on a site that supports WebRTC. To chat with family and friends, all the user needs to do is share the link to that web page.

Firefox, Chrome, and Opera support WebRTC while at this point Microsofts Internet Explorer and Apples Safari still do not support this high-quality video chat capabilities. Skype has recently announced its Skype for Web project which plans usage of WebRTC.

About the Author: Verishow is live video chat, co-browsing &content sharing to provide better service and to sell more. We also provides Smart solutions like live customer support , live support chat, online meeting softwares to improves overall customer engagement


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Vehicle Tracking

Different Types Of Hand Tools And Their Uses

By Adriana Noton

There are many choices when it comes to hand tools. A tool can be found for things such as woodworking and garden along with a variety of power tools. Hands tools have been used for thousands of years and have evolved over time into more useful items that helps get a particular job done.

Woodworking is usually done with specialized items such as planes and things of this type as well as standard items such as a hammer and saw. This type of project does not necessarily require specialized woodworking tools. However many items are made specifically for working with wood. When searching for a tool for woodworking you can usually find them at a craft shop or sometimes home improvement stores.

There is a wide variety of power tools available for hundreds of uses. Tools of this sort have many uses ranging from a power screwdriver to help out around the house to a very big construction tool such as a jack hammer as well as everything in between. There are also several different types of power supplies for these including electric, air and battery powered.


Garden tools are very useful and also offer a wide range of choices. Shovels, rakes and trowels are useful to help with the planting and weeding of the garden. For different types of gardens there are different types of tools available. Most of the items used in a garden are not powered by anything but a person. The use of power tools in the garden can cause damage to the plants.

Using a tool to help to complete a job has long been useful to man. Even in the beginning of time there were inventors who created a tool when the need arose. When a task came up that they couldn’t do on their own, they found something that would help them and created a tool for that specific purpose. In the beginning a tool may be something as simple as a sharpened stone or a rounded rock that would help to do the chore at hand.

Today we have developed more sophisticated tools that have more specialized uses. However, some of the same ideas that helped create a tool to help with tasks in the beginning are still used today.

For example, a hammer is one of the most commonly used pieces of equipment found today. The uses today are not different from the uses of yesterday, however the tool itself is very different. In the beginning a hammer was nothing more than a rounded rock used to force something together or apart. Today it is made from stainless steel and a variety of other materials with a handle to make it more useful.

Many different tasks can be made much easier through the use of a type of tool that is intended for that task. There are many different selections to choose from to make your job easier and faster. For example, a rake will help gather debris in a garden or gather leaves in the yard. Many years ago these tasks would need to be done by picking up the items individually and placing them in a bucket or something of that sort.

About the Author: Offering top quality hand tools, Your online source for tools and supplies.


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